Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Switched Baby Scandal

The Switched Baby Scandal by Theresa Meyers

His child. Her daughter. One monumental mix-up.

Single mom Taylor Lawrence just discovered that the hospital sent her home with the wrong infant five years ago. Now the headstrong and handsome biological father wants his child back. But Emily has always been her daughter, and Taylor won’t give her up without a fight.

Widower Reece Wallace believed his life was over when a drunk driver killed his wife and daughter. So when he learns of the baby switch, he sees this child as his ultimate salvation. But he never anticipated the fiery woman on the other side of this custody battle—or how she’d stir feelings in him long dormant.

As the media storm surrounding the hospital’s mistake intensifies, Taylor and Reece find there’s more to sort out than custody of Emily—they must work together to protect her while grappling with their growing attraction. Can they pick up the pieces of two broken families and meld them into something new?**

Being a parent and a spouse I couldn't imagine loosing both my husband and child in an accident. Never hearing them laugh and play. Being alone.  That is what Reece lives daily.  Now getting a call from the hospital where his daughter was born, saying there was a mix-up and his daughter, the one he raised, was possibly not his biological daughter, gives him a hope he had never thought he'd have. He was going to have a second chance with his child. Well not really a second chance, a chance with a child that he never knew existed but is his blood. He thought when his family died he lost all chances of living again and now he can through her, through Emily.

Taylor just wanted to get Emily's dad to take responsibility, so she had DNA testing done to prove that he was her father. When the lab tech tells her that its genetically impossible he is, the tech also says is genetically impossible for her to be Emily's mother too.  There must be something wrong, its a mistake, What is going to happen now? Meeting Reece, Taylor is petrified that he's going to take her baby from her. Shes scared hes just like every other man that has been in her life. Her father was barely around and the last man she was with left when he found out she was pregnant.

Watching both Taylor and Reece navigate this new relationship of co-parenting is heart wrenching. He loves and misses his wife and daughter but something about Taylor draws him in. He has a very hard time reconciling that he can move on, its not harmful to the memory of his wife.  Now if he can get Taylor to realize hes not out to control her, but wants her to be happy and loved.

Easy read. I read it in a few hours. Very enjoyable.
**Goodreads Summary

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