Monday, August 26, 2013

Rise of the Huntress (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #7)

The Spook and his apprentice, Thomas Ward, have returned to the county after a long journey and a hard battle. But their troubles are far from over. Their home has been over-run by enemy soldiers.

Tom, Alice and the Spook flee across the ocean to the island of Mona. It's on Mona that this small band fighting against the dark will face an old enemy grown terrifyingly powerful. Will they be able to vanquish an evil that crawls beneath the ground itself? At what cost?

Will Tom and the Spook ever be able to return home?

This addition of The Last Apprentice was not as intense as the last. How can one handle another hut wrenching novel like the last?

Anyway, we have the Spook, Tom and Alice returning to his summer home. When they arrive they find the house burnt to the ground with all their possessions including the library gone. To make matters worse, Bony Lizzy, Alice's mother has escaped. 

The trio decide to go to the island of Mona. Here they find an evil along with Bony Lizzy trying to become Queen of the island. 

This book is full of adventure and even more gruesome death scenes. The book ends with the Spook finding about about the blood jar and how he decides to handle this little problem is surprising. 

We also see the Spook's power begin to wane. Tom's  power is growing and I cannot wait, or I hope that he will develop more of his mother's powers. I truly believe that the battle with the Fiend will take a hybrid Spook. One armed with knowledge and the ability to wield the magic that his mother passed down to him. 

Finally, we get a glimpse into what Alice can and probably will become. I think she will be an amazing force for the light. 

Only a few more books to go before this amazing series is over. 

Hope you pick it up!


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