Monday, December 1, 2014

Wild About Weston

Wild About Weston by Katy Regnery

When Weston English's girlfriend breaks up with him to move to Italy on the morning of his brother Fitz's wedding, he fully expects to have a horrible day. What he doesn't anticipate is meeting Molly McKenna.

Daisy's friend, Molly, whose fiance dumped her the night before the wedding, decides to throw caution to the wind and eschew her schoolteacher persona for a wild, one-night stand with Weston.

From the ceremony to cocktail hour, to dinner and dancing, to toasts and photos and the cake, Molly and Weston will discover that they have more in common than they could have guessed, and some horrible endings lead to the happiest beginnings.

Excerpt from Wild About Weston

Molly leaned against the bar, downing her second Chardonnay in fifteen minutes. If she’d known a single soul at the wedding besides Daisy, or if she wasn’t attending by herself, it would have been easier to relax, but as it was, she was barely hanging on.

“Scotch. Double,” said a low, terse voice from beside her. “Wait. Triple.”

Molly shifted only slightly to watch him throw back the lowball glass, before wincing in distaste and sliding it back to the bartender.

“Again. Neat.”

The old Molly—sweet, gullible, trusting, stupid Molly—from yesterday, might have gently laid her hand on his arm and asked him if everything was okay. The dumped, bitter, caustic, on-her-way-to-plastered Molly of today nudged her empty glass forward beside his.

“Another Chardonnay, please?”

“That’s three,” said the bartender, as he filled up Blondie’s lowball glass again.

She hooked her thumb at Blondie. “And he’s on his fourth, fifth, and sixth, but I didn’t notice you counting it out for him.”

“It’s early yet. Maybe pace yourself, honey.”

“If I wanted a lecture, I would’ve called my dad,” she said, shocked to hear the words she was thinking somehow fall out of her mouth.

“Whoa, touchy. Just saying.”

“Well, don’t,” she said softly. “Don’t say. Just pour.”

As she exchanged words with the bartender, Blondie had stopped with his drink halfway to his lips, and was staring at her with his mouth slightly open.

“Hey,” he said, his eyes flicking to her breasts for just a second. “You look almost as miserable as I feel.”

“Imagine how delighted I am to hear that,” she answered, putting her back to the bar and looking past him, as though bored.

If she was honest, however, she wasn’t bored by him. Maybe, just maybe, for no apparent reason that she cared to explore, her tummy might have filled with butterflies when he locked his blue eyes with hers a moment before.

“Wow.” He threw back half the glass of Scotch, then lowered the tumbler to the bar, shifting his body to face her. “Not a big fan of weddings, huh?”

“Not today,” she admitted, grasping the stem of her wineglass after the bartender grudgingly refilled it. The wine was doing its work, making the sharp ache of Dusty’s betrayal recede from the front of her mind.

“Amen,” he agreed.

“Today, weddings suck.”

“Right there with you.”

“Love, love, love…blah, blah, blah. Whatever.”

“Preaching to the choir.”

“To have and to hold…what does that even mean?”

He wrinkled his nose at her. “I think it just means…to have and to hold.”

She smirked. “I guess they didn’t want to confuse anyone when they came up with that witty line.”

His lips quirked up and he brought the glass to his lips again, taking a small sip. “Boy, you’re something.”
“Am I?” she asked, still channeling acidic boredom, although part of her hoped he wouldn’t leave because at least if Blondie was talking to her, she wasn’t completely alone. Plus, he was easy on the eyes, it was taking effort not to look at him, and that effort was distracting her from her general misery.

“You’re really angry.” He leaned a little closer and lowered his voice. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I sort of dig that today.”

“What do you dig on the other 364 days?”

He laughed softly, shaking his head back and forth. “Why don’t we just worry about today?”

She sighed, taking another big gulp of wine before glancing at him. She shifted her body and fluttered a couple of fingers toward the boutonniere on his lapel.

“Wedding party?”

“Weren’t you at the wedding?”

“Back row corner,” she said. “I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”

Fueled by many fermented grapes, she decided to remedy that now. Without even trying to be subtle, she started at his neck then dropped her eyes, inch by inch, to his broad chest, to his tapered waist, to his hips—with strong bets on a toned, chiseled man-V under his sharply creased trousers—to his legs, and back up again. “Friend or family?”

His eyes burned after her blunt perusal. “Family. What about you?”

“Maybe I’m crashing,” she deadpanned.

As if dumped schoolteacher Molly McKenna would ever do something as wild as crash a wedding.

He grinned, his eyes a touch darker now as he threw back the rest of his Scotch without wincing or gasping. He shoved his glass back toward the bartender, tapping on the rim to indicate he wanted another.


"Crashing,” she whispered with a soft laugh of disbelief.

“I’ve never met a wedding crasher. How did you get in?” he asked, amusement and surprise thick in his voice.

“You crashed, right? How did you manage to get in?”

“Oh, I didn’t…”

Wouldn’t that be something? To crash a wedding? To be someone who did something like that? Someone…wild?

Either the wine was making her loopy, or the idea of “being wild” for the first time in her life had taken hold of her like a beagle’s teeth on a bird’s throat. Whatever the reason, it didn’t much matter. She looked into Blondie’s deep blue eyes, which were twinkling with amusement, and made a quick decision. Licking her lips and lowering her voice to a purr as she’d seen in the movies, she beckoned him closer.

“Want me to tell you? Or show you?”

Shocked by her own boldness, Molly didn’t move an inch. She stared at the pulse in his throat, the way it pounded, pushing at the skin forcefully with every throbbing surge of blood. By staring at his heartbeat she could ignore the fierce pounding of her own.

“Are you serious?”

Her breathing had suddenly become shallow and quick. Was she? Was she serious? What exactly was she offering? A kiss? Sex? Christ on a cracker, she’d never had sex with anyone but Dusty. Dusty. Her nostrils flared with fury. Dusty who’d cheated on her with Shana. She exhaled raggedly, licking her lips again, emboldened by her fury.

“Try me,” she whispered.

About the Author:

Katy Regnery, award-winning and Amazon bestselling  author, started her writing career by enrolling in a short story class in January 2012. One year later, she signed her first contract for a winter romance entitled By Proxy.
Now a hybrid author who publishes both independently and traditionally, Katy claims authorship of the six-book Heart of Montana series, the six-book English Brothers series, and a Kindle Worlds novella entitled “Four Weddings and a Fiasco: The Wedding Date,” in addition to the standalone novels, Playing for Love at Deep Haven and Amazon bestseller, The Vixen and the Vet.

The Vixen and the Vet is included in the charity anthology Hometown Heroes: Hotter Ever After, and Katy’s novella “Frosted” will appear in the upcoming (Jan ’15) anthology, Snowy Days Steamy Nights. Additionally, Katy’s short story, “The Long Way Home” will appear in the first RWA anthology (Feb ’15), Premiere.
Katy lives in the relative wilds of northern Fairfield County, Connecticut, where her writing room looks out at the woods, and her husband, two young children, and two dogs create just enough cheerful chaos to remind her that the very best love stories begin at home.

Don’t miss upcoming English Brothers books!!


My Review

What can I say about the youngest English brother.... I came in to this book after reading Stratton's story and he is forever my favorite but I loved Weston too. Weston is the kind of guy that doesn't beat around the bush. He goes to his on again off again girls house to pick her up for his brother Fitz's wedding, and she breaks things off. Hes not serious enough about her, she has to find someone that is. Blah blah blah.. Honestly I'm glad because we've met her sisters in previous books and they are not nice. ANY-who, Weston is jacked, he now has to go to his brothers wedding without a date. It should of clicked to him then that Connie really didn't mean that much to him. At the wedding though he meets a girl he thinks crashed the wedding. She's feisty and forward and he likes her. 

Molly loves weddings.. I mean she LOVES them. While she's waiting for her long time, long-distance boyfriend to come to Philly from Ohio to go to her friend Daisy's wedding she gets a call from him. He's not coming, he met someone else and she's having his baby.  Daisy is devastated, now she has to go to a wedding and act happy when all she wants to do is lay in bed and cry.  She meets a guy at the bar and decides to throw caution to the wind and be anti Molly. She lets this guy think she's crashed the party and that she did something questionable to get there.  Then she finds out that he's Weston English and he figures out she's not a crasher. Is this a one time thing or is there something more to this attraction.

I love the way Katy Regnery tells a story. She weaves it so intricately that you feel like you're watching it instead of reading it. Molly is a Midwestern girl and has those same values, she needed to shake things up and change just a little bit, or so she thought. Once Molly and Weston knew who each other were it was pretty easy from there to focus on each other. I loved that Weston gave everything, didn't hold back like some guys can and Molly stood up for herself and asked questions instead of being flighty. Fantastic story as always and I can't wait for Kate's story. I have a feeling it'll be a little more rockier. Leave the author some love in the form of a review!! Go read the English brothers if you haven't!! You won't regret it! 

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