Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fish & Chips (Cut & Run #3)

Wow...Can the tension between these two get any deeper? I'm sure it can!

This installment finds us at the heart of the ocean. Ty and Zane have been assigned to the Baltimore office and they are assigned to a case were they have to completely change their appearance to go undercover. The FBI had arrested two men that were supposed to be on a cruise with the implications of some illegal operations and the FBI didn't want to waste the opportunity to nab a big case.

I will tell you that the transformations were EPIC! I will only tell you that Ty was referred to as "Ken" a couple times.

Like every case, this one is full of suspense, words in different languages, death threats and sex. The sex! Ty and Zane get to act like they are a married couple. Let me tell you that they take full advantage of it as well.

Their relationship builds as well. There is a constant pull on both men. They are afraid to admit that they are in love with each other and it KILLS me. I fear that this will be a problem in the next book.

Short review, I know but I cannot say much more without giving away the plot. I hope you are enjoying this series.

See ya soon....On to book 4!

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