Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal

Jennifer Steller is a temp at Joseph Anderson's company, but when his twin brother, George mentioned that he wanted what Joseph had, his kids happily married and having grandchildren left and right. Joseph knew that she would be perfect for his nephew Trenton. Thinking she is being fired, when really she was called up to the top floor to be offered a job as executive assistant to Trenton. 

Trenton is pissed, his father; who was supposed to be retired, decided to move the company to Seattle from Chicago. The only upside is he gets to spend more time with his cousins that he's lost touch with in the last few years since his moms death. When he sees a beautiful woman in the park he figures maybe its not all bad. What happens when she dismisses him and then he finds out that she's actually his new assistant.

They are both attracted to each other but when someone threatens to take away the niece that Jennifer has been raising since her sister and brother-in-law's death. Trenton steps up and takes what he wants and saves the day in one felled swoop.

I'm enjoying reading this series. Its fantasy. It's all a little to easy for Joesph and now George to pick spouses for their children and it be a perfect life. That being said I don't read books for realistic things. I read for an escape of real life. While somethings don't add up to being real, I love the family dynamic that is portrayed in the book.

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