Friday, August 2, 2013

Sins of the Night (Dark-Hunter #8)

In the realm of the Dark-Hunters there is a code of honor that even immortal bad boys must follow:

Harm no human. Drink no blood. Never fall in love.

But every now and again a Dark-Hunter thinks himself above the Code. That's when I'm summoned. Who am I? I'm the one thing the fearless fear. Step over the line and it's my wrath you will face. Nothing can touch me. Nothing can sway me. I am relentless and unfeeling.

Or so I thought until I met a female Dark-Hunter who goes by the name of Danger-it's not just her name, it's how she lives her life. She doesn't trust me at all. And who could blame her? She alone knows that I'm here to be judge, jury and most likely executioner of her friends. Yet she is my key to saving some of them. Without her, they all will die.

Dangereuse St. Richard is a deadly distraction. Something about her is reawakening a heart I thought was long dead. But in a race against evil, the only hope mankind has is that I do my duty. And how can I do my duty when it means that I will have to sacrifice the only woman I've ever loved?

When will this woman run out of ideas? I cannot help but wonder what goes through Sherrilyn's mind. 

This little slice of Dark Hunter cause a total.....

ing expirence!!

Where do I begin? First there is the love story between Danger and Alexion. How does a woman love a man that is not a man sent by Ash to judge and possible kill rouge Dark Hunters? Let me tell you....

First, there is the evil plot of Stryker. Of course we learn a lot about demon lore and how they function, but overall Stryker wants to kill Ash and to do it, he needs to kill the right hand. 

Second, there is the lore of Alexion and the honest that he finds with Danger. With the knowledge that she will forget everything that has happened, he opens up to her. He goes from a horny, totally ambiguous man to someone that is so loving is hurts. 

Third, Simi and the fact that she has a family and OMG!! I did not expect the ending when they finally meet. 

Fourth, Alexion has this incredible powers that would make any woman weep. 

Fifth, I CRIED AT THE END OF THIS BOOK!!! OKAY NOT CRIED, BUT THERE WE FULL ON TEARS IN MY EYES!!!!!! That alone, gets an extra ten stars in my rating! 

Other tidbits of goodness.....

We get to see Savitar and a glimpse of Nick's life now that he has been turned. We get the first innuendo that something is totally screwed in the world of Nick and oh, I cannot wait! 

Of course, my favorite...SIMI!!!  All I an say is, I want my own personal demon that will give me my own hot ass dragon tattoo on my body.


“Nothing is ever truly set by fate. In one blink, everything changes. Even though it should be a clear, sunny day, the softest whisper into the wind can become a hurricane that destroys everything it touches. (Acheron)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Sins of the Night

“Then let me put it to you this way. There is seldom black and white in our world. Sometimes things we perceive as good have moments of profound evil, but profound evil will always tell you that it’s always good. It never admits that it could, in any way, be evil. (Alexion)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Sins of the Night

He gave her a devilish grin that set fire to her hormones. I would rather you call me lover. He wagged his eyebrows playfully at her. Danger rolled her eyes. Like all men with a onetrack mind, he was incorrigible.
Don't blame me, Alexion said in an almost offended tone. I can't help it. You should see the way you fight. It really turned me on.
Could you tell me how to turn you off?
-Danger and Alexion”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Sins of the Night

Finally, I have read a few reviews that hated on this book due to the fact that it was not set in New Orleans. Folks, grow up! A sign of a great author is that they can create a vast world and still keep you hooked. That is what has happened with this series!!!! KUDOS!!!


Until Next time, 

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